The Mission ofAgape-Home-Fellowship-international

  • The mission of AHF is to “Empower Godly believers, who are released to minister according to their individual giftedness and abilities.”
  • What does this mean?
  • “Empowered” – People are empowered by a deepening personal relationship with God. Other than evangelism of the lost, this is the most important goal of AHF.
  • “Released to minister” – At AHF, every believer is a minister and is a part of the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). Ministering to ourselves does not change the world for Christ. It is only when we “Go ye therefore” that we live our Christianity and impact our community, our country and our world for Christ. In order to change our communities for Christ…we need YOU to be actively involved. It is not the job of a special few…it’s YOUR job!
  • “According to giftedness and ability” – All believers have been given gifts by God. It is our desire and goal to mature people in Christ and lead them in ministering as the Holy Spirit directs and as He has gifted them. As the scriptures teach, we affirm that not all have the same gifts, but each are given gifts as God has appointed (1 Corinthians 12:28-31; Ephesians 4:11, 12).
  • God’s Word says, in Ephesians 4:11-16, that the duty of equipping the saints for ministry falls upon the leaders of the church; the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. At Agape, we take this responsibility very seriously. Our job on this earth is to empower you to serve.
  • Every leader (overseers, elders, and house shepherds) in AHF is expected to do all they can to ensure that all the sheep in their flock are given all the tools necessary to “minister according to their individual giftedness and abilities.